YBG-第二十三期Categories: Weekly   2024-10-14

I run alone with the wind, your loving eyes are out of reach. Winter here will never come - Hunting Wind Valley


  1. Front end thingsI stumbled upon a treasure blog about cross platform information online by chance, and the more I read, the more excellent the content became.

  2. Under what circumstances does TCP not require a three-way handshake

  3. Pay attention to whether your website is functioning properlyCan you provide me with a blog when you have time

  4. PageSpeed Insights

  5. Several mysterious yet interesting front-end technologies


  1. Uber found that passengers are willing to pay a high price when their phones are running low on battery

  2. Three and a half sentences a day


The opening sentence of the weekly magazine comes from the movie I watched this week. To be honest, the 17 year suspense film "The Valley of the Hunters" was originally aimed at the "Scarlet Witch" and "Hawkeye", but after watching it, I only remember the kind, tough and brave female detective and the calm and sharp hunter.

This is a movie with a bit of religion, a bit of appeal, and a bit of harsh reality. It is not dragging its feet, not a saint, decisive in killing evil people, but still makes people feel cold.猎凶风河谷

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